If your business is not doing well or you simply wish to improve on it, we can help you to achieve: a good-quality organizational structure, an excellent human resources policy, a first-class business approach or a superior marketing strategy. Not forgetting in any case a really important attitude: tenacity.
Any business organization needs a regular external analysis. ASLE is very experienced and has appropriate methodologies to identify the existing problems of a company and its causes.
- Internal policies and procedures
- Internal control
- Human resources policies
- Reduction of costs
- Information technologies.
Our experience shows that all businesses need an objective view to deal with certain complex situations and obtain solutions to both motivate decision-making and improvement of efficiency.
We analyze, we decide, we act and we fix situations by proposing secure and feasible solutions. Our team of experts in this field is used to develop and boost businesses from internal and external points of view in order to provide new management tools that may create an added value to your organization.
We want to provide companies that may need to improve with our know-how:
Our service is an investment for your business.
All our consulting services are based on three phases:
- An analysis of the current situation.
- A report of discoveries and opportunities for improvement,
- A report of recommendations, proposed actions and tools.
The strength and added value of our Consulting Services are placed at the participation of consultants with very different experiences and academic training. Our solutions to your problems are multidisciplinary but they are always part of your working system or value chain.
Our clients often express their problems and we always develop our service proposal based on such concrete dilemma.
- «Sales Department» Diagnosis
- «Distribution Channels» Diagnosis
- «Marketing Mix» Diagnosis
- Definition of your Strategic Plan
Marketing and Business Plan:
- Development of a Marketing Plan.
- Development of the Annual Operational Plan aligned with the Strategic Plan
Internal control:
- Definition of the control objectives per business cycle
- Review the currently implemented controls and their effectiveness.
- Proposal for improving the internal control scheme.
- Design and implementation of new controls
- Disign of internal policies
Flexible system that allows knowing at any moment the profitability of the different work operational capacities and evaluating the possibility of price changes.
- Cost Reduction
- Analysis of Cost Structure.
- Cost Control and Monitoring System.
- Implementation of ABC Accounting.
- Calculating the profitability of executed works / products
- Personnel Restructuring
- Analysis of Existing Wage Policies.
- Analysis of Staff Costs per line / work area.
- Analysis of Productivity Ratios.
- Implementation of tools to control timing / profitability per area.
- Financial Quantification of objectives.
Optimization of administrative processes:
- Automatization of regular administrative processes.
- Internal Audit of the initial organization of production.
- Systematics for timing control.
- Optimization of shifts by evaluating productivity man / machine.
- Initial Planification of the order form.
Staff Reorganization and Adequate Number of Staff:
- Definition of objectives per working areas.
- Self-monitoring of tasks by the workers themselves.
- Inspection of finished products.
- Management of processes and cycles.
Hacienda: elevación del límite exento de garantía en aplazamientos hasta 50.000 €
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